For General Skilled Migration Program, an applicant is required to go towards a skill assessment from the list of assessing bodies associated with applicant’s occupation and skill sets.
An expression mentioned in column 1 of an item of the following table is short for the authority mentioned in column 2 of that item.
Assessing authorities | ||
Item | Column 1 This expression … | Column 2 is short for … |
1 | AACA | Architects Accreditation Council of Australia |
2 | AASW | Australian Association of Social Workers Limited |
2A | ACECQA | Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority |
3 | ACPSEM | Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine |
4 | ACS | Australian Computer Society Incorporated |
5 | ACWA | Australian Community Workers Association Inc |
6 | ADC | Australian Dental Council Limited |
7 | AIM | Australian Institute of Management |
8 | AIMS | Australian Institute of Medical Scientists |
9 | AIQS | The Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors |
10 | AITSL | Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Limited |
11 | AMSA | Australian Maritime Safety Authority |
12 | ANMAC | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council Limited |
14 | ANZSNM | Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine |
15 | AOAC | Australasian Osteopathic Accreditation Council Limited |
16 | AOPA | The Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association Limited |
17 | APC | Australian Physiotherapy Council Limited |
18 | APharmC | Australian Pharmacy Council Ltd |
19 | APS | The Australian Psychological Society Limited |
20 | ASMIRT | Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy |
21 | AVBC | Australasian Veterinary Boards Council Incorporated |
22 | CAANZ | Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand |
23 | CASA | Civil Aviation Safety Authority |
24 | CCEA | Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia Limited |
25 | CPAA | CPA Australia Ltd |
26 | DAA | Dietitians Association of Australia |
27 | Engineers Australia | The Institution of Engineers Australia |
28 | IPA | Institute of Public Accountants Ltd |
29 | MedBA | Medical Board of Australia |
30 | NAATI | National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd |
31 | OCANZ | Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand Limited |
32 | OTC | Occupational Therapy Council of Australia Ltd |
32A | PodBA | Podiatry Board of Australia |
33 | SPA | The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited |
34 | SSSI | Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Limited |
35 | TRA | Trades Recognition Australia |
36 | VETASSESS | Vocational Education and Training Assessment Services |